Sunday, April 3, 2011

Monogamous Matrimony versus Hobbyist Lifestyle......

Good Sunday morning child of God ! :)  Isn't God good?  Look what He's done for you.  You're basically free to do as you please (I am assuming you are not in prison).  God is your consciousness, your subconsciousness and the unknown with in the realm around you.  Wouldn't it be nice if God was on your side?  The mysterious unknown of the world, to have that be friendly towards you?

The C and E Christian, that is the Christian who goes to church on Christmas and Easter.  He or she is about as serious about church as the person who casually drives their car fast or comes off a red light with a lead foot, is as towards follow the sport of drag racing or the Indianapolis 500.

There is the hobbyist who is married, has the whole married life thing going on, wife, kids, the whole shebang, and there is the hobbyist who's thrown in the towel on the whole marriage and relationship gig.  I refer to him as the professional hobbyist.  The professional hobbyist is not a man with a wife.  He is not like the C & E Christian who only dabbles with church twice a year.  The professional hobbyist is a man who eats, drinks and sleeps sex with strangers aka escorts.

The monogamously married man is going about life in the right way.  It's all good when it works as it was intended to work.  There is a lot of sacrifice and there is a lot of financial commitment to that one woman.  The financial commitment to her is there whether the relationship is good or bad, loving or hateful.  No matter what, that wife is gonna cost the man $$$ (love, hate, good sex, bad sex, divorce, alimony)  The monogamously married man is investing all his time, emotions, energy and money into that one woman, his wife, the woman of his dreams.

The monogamous married man loves women.  He loves his wife and he sees her with a special twinkle in his eye as compared to all other women on planet earth.

The hobbyist loves women too.  There is one primary difference though.  The hobbyist is investing his money in a day to day sure thing good time. He is specifically investing his money in a good blow job from a woman, nice DFK (deep French kiss), a good licking of her pussy and ass hole and a generally nice conveyance of human good will spirit towards each other.

The monogamously married man is HOPING he gets all of the aforementioned,  till death due him and his wife part.  He is banking the house, his current and future income and half or more of all that he owns, that this lovely woman that he made a commitment to, aka his wife, is gonna be the propitiation of all his desires and dreams.

The professional hobbyist is not buying it.  He's observed life long enough to know a good investment when he sees one and surely for his money, the monogamous marriage plan is not his IRA or 401K plan for the future.

Oh yes, both men love and appreciate women, just in a different manner and with a different philosophy of life.

Similarly, a Democrat and a Republican can appreciate politics, they just have different ways of perceiving and acting upon their political perception.

The monogamous married man buys into the traditional method of loving Woman.  His money and his investment in the woman (his wife) is committed no matter whether it brings him pleasure or not.  The professional hobbyist is buying his womanly pleasure on a day to day basis and his joy or unhappiness with that woman will not cost him more than that one day relationship with his woman for hire.

The monogamous married man may say, but oh, where is the love and joy?  Where is the on going love and joy of one woman who is your hearts desire?

The professional hobbyist says the same thing, but oh, where is the love and joy in being stuck with that bitch I am married to. :)  Where is the on going love and joy of that one woman I married who was my hearts desire?

Mean while, as the monogamous man not only suffers his commitment, he continues to pay for it day in and day out.  As the professional hobbyist beds women twice as hot as he'd ever have as a wife.  The woman DFK's with him and gives of her body 100% freely, as the professional hobbyist carefully allocates his daily or a few times a week cash investment into the womanly fulfillment of his desires and of his dreams.

Oh Dear God, whether the man is Democrat or Republican, monogamously married or a professional hobbyist, please do not get too far from his mind and perception of life.  Be with him till death of the body  we part and hopefully meet with you in the next realm.

Most sincerely,

Your prodigal son,


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