Sunday, April 15, 2012

Local Hot Babe Weather Girl Julie Durda Takes the Super Woman Challenge

If you live in South Florida and you watch WSVN channel 7 news, you know who Julie Durda is.

What you might not have known is that she trained for and participated in a Super Woman challenge.

There is a video showing Julie doing her stuff in this challenge and I will include the link to it at the bottom of this post.

Julie is VERY hot and I am proud of her!

We watch her on TV a few days a week delivering the weather forecast, but seeing her in the video is of course above and beyond what you'd expect of your local weather girl.

You go Julie!!!!

Part of what had me searching Julie is that a friend mentioned that her Twitter account was terminated.  I Google searched to see if there was any info on that and there was.  Here is the link to info pertaining to her twitter account being cancelled. >>>

Here is the 2 minute and 15 seconds Youtube video of Julie performing many feats of strength as a participant in the Super Woman competition.  Click here. >>>